2016 president election data download

Hi all, im looking for any data sets pertaining to the 2016 us election. This contains data relevant for the 2016 us presidential election, including uptodate primary results. Download the county results here john guerra has used the data already to produce this rather lovely map. The file contains a breakdown of the county election data in one convenient download. November 2016 general election results countylevel stephen. Usa 2016 election demographic data open data stack exchange. Opendatasoft, data management platform terms and conditions privacy policy. Hackers successfully altered voter data in 2016 election. If open data means anything, it applies to elections. Media, voters and the campaign featuring 83 contributions from leading academics and emerging scholars across the world, this publication captures the immediate thoughts and early research insights on the 2016 us presidential election from the cutting edge of media and politics research. Full article itll be painful for a long time what do trump voters want now. The core data for the archive are state, county and district level election returns for all recent state and federal elections in the united states. Presidential returns by state and county, 1976 2016. According to the exit polls, about 37 percent of white voters voted.

Historically, statelevel data are only available for the 2012 election. International elections cover vote totals by country, constituency, and some regional and precinctlevel data for. Presidential countylevel election results for 1948 2016. Now that the election is over, how did the predictions fare against actuals. Former president barack obama was unable to seek reelection for a third term according to the twentysecond amendment to the united states constitution, which states that a president may only serve up to two terms. Just select the cells in the browser view of the worksheet, copy, then switch to excel and paste. November 8, 2016 election night timeline president by state, county, congressional district, and for some elections by precinct. Download 2016 presidential primary election results attach. Does anyone have a clue where i should begin my search. Get the latest news and coverage for the 2016 presidential elections from usa today.

Here at daily kos elections, you might say we have a love of data. Transformed data uses usgs for 2004, 2008,and 2012. Politicos live 2016 iowa election results and maps by state, county and district. Each data point is a crucial contribution to the big picture. This dataset contains countylevel returns for presidential elections from 2000 to. Detailed national results of us presidential elections from 1789 through 2012, us senate and gubernatorial elections since 1990. The data for the results on this site are reported by the associated press through the week of nov. Presidential primary election results results for 2000 2016. So to share our passion for cookieser, i mean datawe. Data files for the 2016 presidential election results.

Usa 2016 presidential election by county opendatasoft. This dataset is intended for public access and use. The philippine presidential and vice presidential elections of 2016 were held on monday, may 9, 2016, as part of the 2016 general election. State precinct reference for the 2016 general election excel.

Us elections 2020 world environment soccer us politics business tech. The republican ticket of businessman donald trump and indiana governor mike pence defeated the democratic ticket of former secretary of state hillary clinton and u. If youre interested in collaborating, some are seeking additional contributors to help build out these datasets further. Us election analysis 2016 us election analysis 2016. It isnt just a sometimes food, and we gobble up as much as we can. This repository includes demographic and past election data that can easily be merged with 2018 election returns to analyze the 2018 election. Tony mcgovern has scraped s excellentlyformatted results to collate the us results, county by county. Official 2016 presidential general election results general election date. The download file will be updated each hour until all counties have reported. Us presidential general elections 2000 through 2016 github. The warnermedia family of brands uses data collected from this.

Data on the raw and weighted poll results by state, date, pollster, and pollster ratings are included. Elections data downloads alabama secretary of state. The presidential metaanalysis for 2016 june 30th, 2016, 9. Links on this page point to files containing raw election results. This means that you can look at forecasts for the general presidential race.

Site includes election data, county maps and state maps, charts. I think, at presidentialgeneralelectionresults2012directdownload. Challenge donald trump, hilary clinton, or others as you race to the white house. Presidential countylevel election results for 19482016. November 2016 countylevel election returns for president, senate, us house, and governor. This data contains polygon features representing the results of the us president vice president race by precinct within fairfax county for the november 2016 general election. Social data drove the 2008 presidential elections and big data drove the 2012 election. The polls were wrong about wisconsin, and this could be because they forgot about one key data point. Theres quite a few users who are already aggregating this data and creating analyses and cool visualizations. On the 45th president and the 48th vice president of the united states. This dataset contains countylevel returns for presidential elections from 2000 to 2016. The 2016 election for the president of the united states took place on tuesday, november 8, 2016. Federal elections 2016 may also be viewed andor downloaded from the commissions. The most detailed and challenging election game available.

For more information regarding these files please see the using election data instructions. The 2016 united states presidential election was the 58th quadrennial presidential election, held on tuesday, november 8, 2016. Transformed data uses federal elections project for 2000. Find the most uptodate version of the data as a csv or rds r data file in the data directory. Starting with the 2016 presidential election, the pollyvote provides live data on both the national and state level. Fivethirtyeights polling data for the us presidential. In 2016 it will be the marriage of the two that will determine the next president of the united states.

Transformed data for 2000 through 2016 is in the output folder. Historical data on elections presidential, congressional and gubernatorial, campaign finances, voter demographics, voter turnout, and political parties. National polls 2016 election forecast fivethirtyeight. Check out these links below, and you can also search election 2016 in data. The 2016 presidential election was the first election in which wisconsin voters needed to present a photo id. This dataset is a collection of state and national polls conducted from november 2015november 2016 on the 2016 presidential election. This archive contains data on election results, voting behavior, and electoral politics, with particular focus on the united states.

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