Sleep hygiene pdf handout

A relaxing activity reading, listening to music, even a warm shower can help get you drowsy. Sleep restriction and insomnia worksheets psychology tools. Cultivating these healthy habits like any other change in behavior requires determination and consistency. Your personal habits fix a bedtime and an awakening time the body gets used to falling asleep at a certain time, but only if this is relatively fixed. Develop and follow a consistent sleep schedule even on weekends. Researchers dont know exactly how much sleep adults need, although some data suggest that 78 hours per 24hour period is the most satisfactory amount. Generally, the amount of sleep required is an individual matter. The person will get irritated, excessively tired, and will have no energy or motivation to function normally. Sleep hygiene sleep hygiene refers to actions that tend to improve and maintain good sleep during the day before bedtime. These tips are designed to enhance good sleeping, and there is much evidence that these strategies can provide longterm solutions to sleep difficulties. Along these same lines, sleep hygiene experts recommend getting out of bed and going to another room if you dont fall asleep within 20 minutes. You can retrain your body and mind so that you sleep well and wake feeling rested. Sleep hygiene is the term used to describe good sleep. Avoid spending lots of non sleep time in bed spending hours lying on a bed doing other activities before bedtime keeps our.

A term that health professionals use to describe good sleep habits is sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene handout it is well established that lack of sleep will affect a persons mental process, memory, and problem solving skills. Allow yourself enough time to sleep at least 79 consecutive hours. In fact, one in four people experience sleep difficulties, which include trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, early morning waking, sleeping too much, or restless or unsatisfying sleep. Sleep hygiene sleep improvement guidelines improvement. Conservative measures to develop good sleep habits. However, a regular wake time will improve sleep efficiency and improve insomnia. You can dramatically improve your sleep quality by making a few minor adjustments to lifestyle and attitude. Sleep hygiene for children preschoolers ages 35 years generally need between 10 hours of sleep per night, and schoolage children ages 6 years need between 911 hours of sleep per night. Set a regular time for bed each night and stick to it, even on weekends. Sleep hygiene is the term used to describe good sleep habits. Common sleeping problems such as insomnia are often caused by bad habits reinforced over years or even decades. If you havent fallen asleep after 20 minutes, get up and do something calming.

Insomnia patient handout adapted from uptodate and refresh clinical trial. Naps that are over an hour long, or those that are later in the day, are especially harmful to sleep hygiene. Following these sleep hygiene tips can help improve your sleep quality. Healthy sleep your guide to when youre in a rush to meet work, school, family, or household responsibilities, do you cut back on your. Sleep hygiene for children choc childrens childrens. Insomnia is the inability to get enough sleep or a good quality sleep. For example, traveling, change in work hours, disruption of other behaviors eating, exercise, leisure, etc. Department of health and human services, health resources and services administration, maternal and child health bureau. Follow these simple sleep guidelines to help you sleep better.

After puberty, a teens internal clock shifts about 2 hours. Sleep self help there are many reasons for not sleeping well which may include distress, physical discomfort or physical illness. Here are some tips for how you can improve your sleep hygiene. Patient and family education 1 of 2 sleep hygiene for children.

Good sleep hygiene handout the most common cause of insomnia is a change in your daily routine. Insomnia sleep as much as needed to feel refreshed and healthy during the following day, but not more. Sleep hygiene worksheet record your use of sleep hygiene strategies over a week. Sleep hygiene is used to describe good sleep habits. Sleeping well is a fundamental prerequisite for good mental health. In fact, one in four people experience sleep difficulties, which include trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, early morning waking, sleeping too much, or. A baby starts life needing 16 hours or so of sleep each day, and the time we need for sleep decreases as we get older, so that adults, and particularly older adults may only need 46 hours a night. Sleep hygiene protocol when you cant sleep, what to do instead of ruminating to increase the likelihood of restfulnesssleep. Print this out as a resource for other people who may have sleep problems or as tips for offices and work places. Guidelines for better sleep is an information sheet with guidelines for good sleep hygiene. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia cbti is an effective evidencebased treatment for sleep difficulties. Poor sleep habits referred to as hygiene are among the most common problems encountered in our society.

Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning, including on the weekends. The goal of this technique, called stimulus control, is to break the association of bed as a place. If you are not sleepy at bedtime, then do something else. If your body learns to associate your bed with sleep, youll start to feel tired as soon as you lie down. Tips for sleeping well sleep hygiene if you practise good sleep habits, youll have the best chance of a good, refreshing sleep. The american academy of sleep medicine aasm recommends that teens get 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night to be healthy. Stick to the same rise time every day regardless of how much sleep you actuinitially, you may feel more tired. Like many people, you might think that sleep is merely a down time when the brain shuts off and the body rests. It also includes tips for managing sleep disruption such as nightmares. If you work night shift, it might not be easy to sleep enough or to sleep well during the day. Children sleep better when they have the same bedtime and wake time every day. Occupational therapy sleep hygiene basic guidelines. Sleep hygiene, simply put, is a set of practices that helps you sleep better at night.

Preschoolers ages 35 years generally need between 10 hours of sleep per night, and schoolage children ages 6 years. Getting a good nights sleep can improve your mental wellbeing and help you to better manage your anxiety. The goal is to shorten the amount of time spent in bed in order to consolidate sleep. Timing set a constant bed time set a constant wake time. This is the printable version of the information on the page tips for sleeping better. Go to bed and get up at the same times each day, and avoid anything longer than a 10minute nap during the day. Generally, the body is programmed to sleep best overnight and to be most alert during the day and early evening. Considerable research has gone into developing a set of guidelines and tips which are designed to enhance good sleeping, and there is much evidence to suggest that these strategies can provide longterm solutions to sleep difficulties. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine, such as a warm bath, light reading, gentle. Do not drink alcoholic beverages before going to bed. What are some factors that prevent teens from getting enough sleep. It has detrimental effects on a persons day to day function as well. Sleep hygiene therapy worksheets, tools, and handouts. In this video, jennifer bruner from the eastern hcqu, provides information on what sleep hygiene is, why its important, how to evaluate your own sleep hygiene practices and ways to improve your sleep hygiene.

You wont fix sleeping problems in one night but if you. What are some reasons why teens do not sleep enough. You may want to start by keeping a sleep diary to help you understand your sleep patterns and habits. Stick to the same bedtime and wake time every day, even on weekends. On average, teens need 9 hours of sleep each night. Sleep hygiene for teens teens typically need about 810 hours of sleep per night, but it is common for the average teen to get 7 hours or less per night. Good sleep habits sometimes referred to as sleep hygiene can help you get a good nights sleep. Avoid use of nicotine within 30 minutes of bedtime and during the night. Adapted from the diagnosis of primary insomnia and treatment alternatives. Late weekend nights or sleepingin can throw off a sleep schedule for days. We interrupt our sleep with drugs, chemicals and work, and we overstimulate ourselves with latenight activities such as television. Sleep hygiene improvement guidelines sleep improvement guidelines. Sleep hygiene tips the healthy habits of good sleep here are some tips for how you can improve your sleep hygiene. Go to bed and wake up the same time every day regardless if it is the weekend or a.

The following are different techniques for improving insomnia sleep hygiene, stimulus control, progressive muscle relaxation and sleep restriction. The effects of sleep extension and sleep hygiene advice on sleep and depressive symptoms in adolescents. The amount of sleep you need depends on several factors, including your age, lifestyle, health, and whether you have been getting enough sleep recently. Occupational therapy sleep hygiene basic guidelines sleep hygiene is your personal collection of habits that determine the quality of your sleep. Interventions targeting sleep quality have demonstrated translational effects upon symptoms of other mental health conditions. Sleep hygiene helpful tips to help you sleep is sleep hygiene. Your goal is to use at least one good sleeping habit from any three categories each night. It was originally developed with ptsd patients in mind, but anyone with sleep disturbance should find this helpful. Sleep hygiene means habits that help you to have a good nights sleep. If you have any further questions or concerns, please speak to a doctor or nurse caring for you. Many sleeping problems are due to bad habits built up over a long time. What you can do to sleep better make new habits for sleeping rather than simply breaking old ones.

Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, relaxing, and at a comfortable temperature. Read a book, listen to soft music or browse through a magazine. Keep reading to get our free sleep hygiene pdf handout below. Its tough at first, but once you get into the routine, youll do it with ease. Limiting the time in bed seems to solidify sleep, while spending excessively long times in bed seems related to fragmented and shallow sleep. See the whole health handout hints for encouraging healthy sleep for more information on insomnia. Tips for a better nights sleep avoid caffeine within 46 hours of bedtime, or as rule of thumb, after lunchtime. Sleep hygiene this leaflet gives some general advice about sleep hygiene. Improve your sleep hygiene patient education ucsf health. Many of us dont pay attention to our sleeping habits but they are essential. Older age makes sleep apnea stopping breathing in your sleep for short amounts of time more common. Get up from bed at the same time each day the most important determinate of a healthy circadian rhythm is consistent wake time you are doing very well if.

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